There's a better way to meet this community's needs.
Document Center
Chapter 40B Handbook for Zoning Boards of Appeal
Chapter 40B Program Suspension_Letter to G. Engler
136-140 Worcester Street_Wellesley_Letter to G. Engler
Project Eligibility Letter (PEL) from MassHousing
CIMAH Comment Letter to MassHousing on SLV PEL request
Letter from CIMAH Counsel to the ZBA
The Beals Report
Read the report by Planning & Engineering firm Beals Associates.
Review the Beals Associates' qualifications.
EPA Permit for MBTS WWTP, April 2020: Authorization to discharge under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.

Read the Manchester-by-the-Sea Housing, Economic Development, and Land Use Scenario Study.
Go for a walk! Download MECT's guides to the conservation trails - and share your photos with us! Click for guide one and guide two.
Review the public report by environmental consultant Mike De Rosa.
An open letter from The Trustees of Reservations President and CEO.
An open letter from MECT Board President, Mike Dyer.
Manchester's Master Plan: A Stronger Manchester Starts With Us.
MBTS: Housing Production Plan 2020.
The Finance Committee
Letter from State Senator Tarr and State Representative Hill